Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's weigh day!

Forgot to mention this, every Sunday morning, I will get up and weigh myself to see my progress each week. So, today is Sunday aaannnddd... 
I've lost 4 pounds!

Four pounds is a little too much to lose per week (my goal was 2-3 pounds per week), so I have adjusted my daily points limit to keep myself losing weight in a healthy way. It's definitely a guess and check kind of thing, but I do want to make sure that I'm not losing too much too fast! So, to those of you who are keeping track:
Weight loss goal: 62 pounds
This week's weight loss: 4 pounds
New weight loss goal: 58 pounds

It's such an encouragement to know that I'm making progress! I know this coming week will be where it starts to get tougher, so keep up the encouragement and prayers!

For His glory,

PS) Amy and I will be posting recipes soon!!! 


  1. That is AWESOME!! Would you say the weight loss is more because of food or exercise? I am eating good, but not dropping any lb's. I should probably start exercising daily, huh?

    Love it!

  2. Mere, I think it's a little bit of both. I also had the stomach bug on Monday and Tuesday, so that probably doesn't hurt the weight loss either..haha

  3. Wahooo!!! Great job Kate! Keep it up
