Friday, August 26, 2011

I'm baaacckk!

Good morning! I know that by this time you've been thinking I've given up. And to be honest, I wasn't the perfect picture of weight loss this summer. Since we get summer break, I no longer had my rountine. I traveled alot, which was SO fun, but it's bad for a person who needs depends on a routine to eat right. So I gained about 5 five pounds over the summer. I'm kinda mad at myself for doing it, but what can I do now? I am glad that although it isn't ideal, it was only 5 pounds. And guess what? I've already lost 3 of those summer pounds! So, as far as I'm concerned, I'm back on track.

I also have a little more incentive now. Why? This summer I got engaged to one of the most amazing guys on the planet! The wedding date is set for December 31 and I'm going to literally work my butt off to be at or near my ideal weight of 130/135 pounds by then! So, here's the update:

Starting weight: 190 pounds
Weight loss so far: 28 pounds
Weight loss the past two weeks: 3 pounds
Current weight: 162 pounds
Approximate goal weight: 130/135 pounds

Please, please be praying for me. It's a long process that is going to be SO worth it in the long run!
