Wednesday, May 11, 2011

25 pounds later!

Hello, my much-needed encouragers! I'm not dead and I haven't given up! I promise! The past couple of weeks have been gradual, but still successful! First of all, this week's weigh-in was a milestone: I'm officially 25 pounds lighter! I am so excited!!! Sooooo:

Total weight loss goal: 60 pounds
Weight loss over the past couple of weeks: 4.4 pounds
Weight loss so far: 26 pounds
Weight loss to go: 34 pounds

If you've been keeping track, I've modified my total weight loss goal. I decided that my ideal weight needs to be a little higher. No, I'm not trying to make it easier on myself- I'm just making sure that I stay healthy!

I bought a new scale too! It isn't one of the "dial" ones. It's battery-powered so my weight is shown more accurately! And get this: it even saves your weight and shows how much you've lost since the last time you weighed- legit.

Aren't Amy's pics amazing?!? I'm so proud of her- of both of us! I don't think I could do this without her! Or any of you for that matter! Encouraging words mean more than you know and keep praying!

For His glory,

1 comment:

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